Folk remedies for tinea pedis

In recent years, one in five of Earth's inhabitants has been infected with a fungus. This is not surprising, since bacteria are more resistant to changes in the external environment, they develop well under any conditions, and actively develop immunity to many of the active ingredients of the drug. No one can insure against this disease because the fungus spreads easily from person to person, through towels, shoes, saunas, tubs, beaches, swimming pools. The treatment of fungi with folk remedies has an excellent effect, especially in the early stages of the development of mycosis.

If a person's immune system is functioning properly and sweating is not increased, the fungus may not enter the body. Treating fungus with folk remedies is as effective as using medicinal preparations, so if you see the first symptoms of the disease, you should start treatment right away to prevent the spread of the disease and its progression.

fungal toenail infection

first step to take

  1. A professional dermatologist or mycologist should be involved in the diagnosis of this disease. To prevent the fungus from spreading to all legs and nails, it must be cured as soon as possible. Treatment with folk remedies is considered the most popular of all available.
  2. The first symptom of the disease is that the color of the nail plate begins to change: it turns greenish-yellow. After a few weeks, the nails develop a porous structure, become too thick, and the color starts to fade. The first stage of treating the disease will include soap and soda-based bathing. They help to quickly clean the nail plate. This bath should be done every 7 days for 6 months. The patient himself will be able to perform this procedure. To do this, dilute soda in hot water and add a little tar soap. In this solution, the feet must be held for 20 minutes.
  3. You can use the strong tea tree concentration to cleanse the nail plates and the skin of the legs. Apply topically to the affected area, or treat the entire leg as a precaution. The effect of the remedy is greatly enhanced if the nail is sealed with tape or the entire leg is wrapped in a bandage.
  4. Traditional medicine recommends treating the fungus with medication. Some of these are taken orally, and many are purchased externally, but despite this, folk remedies are becoming more popular. Any infection on the leg will go away quickly.

Does traditional medicine work?

Fungal folk remedies

Many people are afraid to use the advice and advice offered by traditional medicine to treat fungus on their feet. But dermatologists confidently say that folk methods of treating the fungus, as well as medication, will yield roughly the same results.

A person can only recover after a few months. Therefore, you need to be patient during the treatment process, as there is no pill or ointment that can completely cure the fungus in one go and prevent it from recurring. Using folk remedies for fungus, it is important to do this until new nails start to grow or any symptoms of the disease are completely gone.

Fungus is best handled in a complex manner. Therefore, stock not only medicinal preparations, but also recipes for folk remedies that can be performed at home. But before taking any action, it is best to seek the advice of your doctor. Only in this way can the further development and spread of unpleasant diseases be prevented.


Propolis to treat fungus

It is hard to imagine a folk remedy for the fungus without the use of propolis. Often, this bee product can be made into a special alcohol tincture. She needs treatment for painful nails or the affected area on the skin. After a few weeks, the fungus will die completely, the fungal nail will start to fall off, and you can see a new, healthy nail plate in this area.


Without this method, it's hard to imagine treating leg fungus with folk remedies. Some people prefer not to trust doctors, clairvoyants, or psychics. The world-famous Vanga shares a formula that many believe is effective against fungi.

To do this, you need to brew an espresso, more like an espresso, and dip it into his legs, but without raising the sediment. This therapy can also relieve pain in the feet and ankles. It can also be used to reduce itching during acute fungal infections. If repeated a few times, the fungus will disappear completely and the skin will be smooth and silky, just like after a pedicure.


How to get rid of fungus on legs with folk remedies? In ancient times, people with fungal skin infections took an egg, dipped it in a container, and poured vinegar over it. Keep the eggs in a dark place until the shells are completely dissolved. Then they took the film from the remaining egg, dipped it in the vinegar, but the butter (spoon) had been added to it and rubbed it until a homogeneous mass was formed.

Afterwards, the patient circles the feet and towel-dry. The prepared mixture is applied to the affected area, then the leg is covered with gauze, cellophane and secured with a bandage. After the nails are completely softened, they begin to bulge slightly and must be cut off. The process should be repeated until the fungus is completely gone.

garlic and alcohol

This is considered one of the most popular methods on the internet and will help cure the fungus. Mix equal parts garlic juice and 90% alcohol and add 1/2 cup of distilled water. Apply this mixture to the affected area every day before going to bed. Using this method requires patient regularity. After 14 days, the disease will completely resolve.

Garlic Porridge

traditional way. Garlic is considered one of the most popular folk remedies against fungi. Not only can it be applied to the affected area, but it can also be taken with food. If you're afraid of bad breath, buy garlic capsules or tablets.

Peel the garlic cloves and crush in a garlic press. Apply the resulting slurry to the affected nail, cover with cellophane and a bandage. For the first few days, the infection site will be very painful, as if an abscess has started. However, after 3 days, the first result can be tracked. This method is considered the most effective, but it is also painful.

wash feet

You still don't know how to treat fungus? Surprisingly, washing your feet more often will help get rid of disease development and destroy all pathogenic fungi. Meanwhile, the feet should be treated daily with a disposable pedicure brush.

Buy laundry soap, a stiff clothes brush, and a fat cream to improve your skin's condition. To remove diseased, infected, debilitated cells, it is necessary: vigorously rub the infected and adjacent areas of the leg with a large soapy brush (use laundry soap) for five minutes. Cracks are also treated and are usually located between the fingers. In this case, severe pain will be felt, but you should not notice it. You will never cause any harm. During this process, diseased areas of the body are completely freed of pathogenic microorganisms. Then, under running water, the entire infection is washed off the leg. Then dry your feet and put on clean socks.

This procedure should be performed at least 3 times a day and a maximum of 7 times. After a few days, the first results will be apparent.

sour cream for itching

Removing itching from the legs is very simple: the affected area can be treated with a fatty acid cream. It is also recommended to apply on rest days of major antifungal procedures.

As you can see, there are enough ways and actions to help forget about fungus forever. Choose the one that suits you best, healthy!